Planned System Outage - Thursday 16 May 2024
Date:Categories:NewsDue to a planned system outage for data migration, all three branches of the Nelson Public Libraries will be offering limited services on Thursday 16 May 2024. Click for more information.
Recently arrived fiction from Aotearoa New Zealand
Date:Categories:Book BlogNew titles from across the genre spectrum highlight our roundup of books from Aotearoa New Zealand this month.
What we Read in March
Date:Categories:Book BlogOur Reader Services Librarian Lucy's favourite reads from March covered the horrors of two world wars, magical realism and Nathaniel Hawthorne, family drama, and essays on all things.
Down on the farm - the pick of the crop of farming memoirs and stories
Date:Categories:Book BlogFrom Aotearoa New Zealand and abroad, we've harvested the best in farming memoirs, essays and nonfiction.
Board Games
Date:Categories:NewsOur collection of 15 games can be borrowed for 2 weeks for endless hours of fun, laughter, strategy, and the joy of boardgaming excitement.
Reader Review - The Vanishing Point by Andrea Hotere
Date:Categories:Book BlogA highly enjoyable historical thriller/mystery set partly in 1660s Madrid in the court of King Philip IV, and partly in the 1990s fine art world.
Recently arrived fantasy fiction
Date:Categories:Book BlogMyth and legend, magic and mermaids, our fantasy roundup will enchant and beguile.
Great titles available right now
Date:Categories:NewsThere's something for everyone with unlimited titles available through BorrowBox. Unlimited means that there are no reserves or waiting around for a great read. Click through to see what's available.
Elma Turner Library Book Chat
Date:Categories:Book BlogBook chat meets on the second Tuesday of each month from 10:30am in Ruma Mānuka at Elma Turner Library. All welcome!
April Thriller Roundup
Date:Categories:Book BlogGang bosses and assassins, politicians and vigilantes, clones and spies. There's a feast of thrills and fast paced mysteries in our round up of newly arrived thrillers this April.
New collection! Adult comics and manga
Date:Categories:Book BlogFrom Vikings to super heroes, this new collection celebrates everything comics and manga.
Stoke Library return to regular opening hours
Date:Categories:NewsStoke Library is back to its regular opening hours from Monday April 8, following the completion of the most disruptive part of the roof repair work.
Stoke Library Roof Project
Date:Categories:NewsWork has begun to repair the roof of the Stoke Library which is expected to extend the life of the building by up to 20 years.
What we read in February
Date:Categories:Book BlogDiscover our Reader Services Librarian Lucy's top reads for the month of February, from heart wrenching historical novels to high fantasy, immigrant voices to millennial angst.
Stoke Book Chat March
Date:Categories:Book BlogStoke Book chat meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month at Stoke Library from 5:30pm and chat about books we've been reading. All welcome!
Easter Hours
Date:Categories:NewsAll three branches will be closed Good Friday, 28 March and Easter Monday, 1 April. We will be open at our usual hours on Saturday and Sunday.
Reader Review - The Postcard by Anne Berest
Date:Categories:Book BlogA haunting and powerful work of autofiction, deftly weaving the mystery of one family into the the history of 20th century Europe
Recently arrived literary fiction
Date:Categories:Book BlogA reprinted classic, American history and dystopia and new arrivals from old favourites are highlights in our round up of recently published literary fiction.
Quiet Hour at Elma Turner Library
Date:Categories:NewsQuiet Hour is for all library visitors who would enjoy a more peaceful library. Every Tuesday, we minimise sensory stimulation at the Elma Turner Library for an hour of calm in the library.